Looking for a GREAT company that is homeschool friendly? This is a listing of some of the best!
4081 Wagener Road Aiken, SC 29805
Classical Academic Press
3920 Market Street Camp Hill, PA 17011
Phone: 866-730-0711 Fax: 717-730-0721
Email: info@classicalsubjects.com. Website:www.classicalacademicpress.com
The Promise of Jonadab
Joseph Farah, CEO and President of WorldNetDaily.com, calls The Promise of Jonadab by E. Ray Moore the next “Prayer of Jabez.
The book is written to help strengthen Christian fathering and parenting and to support K12 Christian education and home schooling. Order today!
SCAIHS Homeschool Bookstore
SCAIHS Home School Bookstore is open to the public and carries most of home schoolers’ favorite books and resources plus no sales tax is charged.
Last Updated: November 29, 2014
4081 Wagener Road Aiken, SC 29805
SightWords.com. is a free website with printable resources that are designed to promote learning in both formal and informal classroom settings. The content is easy to understand and simple to use, tailored to the needs of homeschooling parents who may not have formal training as educators. SightWords.com’s features include: Customizable Flash Cards in three different sizes (http://www.sightwords.com/sight-words/flash-cards/) Classroom-tested Lessons, complete with “how-to” videos (http://www.sightwords.com/sight-words/lessons/) Twelve fun Games from Go Fish to Snakes & Ladders, easy to print and customize (http://www.sightwords.com/sight-words/games/)
www.active-learning-resources.com Wiggle, Squiggle, Giggle & Learn!: A book of active learning ideas designed to teach developmental skills to preschool aged children using everyday materials.
Joseph Farah, CEO and President of WorldNetDaily.com, calls The Promise of Jonadab by E. Ray Moore the next "Prayer of Jabez." Please click here and order a copy today. The book is reasonably priced at $8.79. The book is written to help strengthen Christian fathering and parenting and to support K12 Christian education and home schooling. (E. Ray Moore, Chaplain (Lt.Col.) USAR Ret at www.Exodusmandate.org and tele 803-714-1744)
Phonics program - www.readinghorizonsathome.com
Classical Academic Press 3920 Market Street Camp Hill, PA 17011 Phone: 866-730-0711 Fax: 717-730-0721 Email: info@classicalsubjects.com. Website: www.classicalacademicpress.com
SCAIHS Home School Bookstore is open to the public and carries most of home schoolers’ favorite books and resources plus no sales tax is charged.