SCHEA does not promote, support or endorse individual teams or sport organizations. However, part of our mission is to provide South Carolina homeschoolers with as many resources as possible to support, encourage and supplement their home schooling programs. To that end, we are listing for you the sports organizations we are aware of across the state. Please contact the sport organization directly for further information.
To the best of our knowledge each organization listed here is privately funded, parent directed and home school oriented. If you know of other organizations that are involved in sports programs, please let us know so we can include them in this list.
For additional listings visit Home School Sports Net.
The Greenville Hurricanes
The Greenville Hurricanes has been a sports association since 2008, and are under the umbrella of the Upstate Home School Co-op. Open to all homeschoolers.
Faithful Workout for Youth
A new program aimed at encouraging those areas that are sometimes neglected in our daily schooling schedules. Students can earn PE credits and learn how a relationship with God, exercising, and eating right will make us healthy in all aspects of our lives.
Covenant Central Sports
CCS offers competitive sports for home educated athletes in the Midlands. CCS is a Christian ministry that seeks to honor God, as they seek to encourage opportunities for young people to prepare for, and participate in, competitive sports.
Athletic Development
I train youth in long term athletic development and specialize in golf.
Contact Rob Gregory at (864) 940-1129.
Easley Homeschool Athletics
JV and varsity basketball, soccer, and volleyball teams for boys and girls. EHA teams are open to homeschooled students who live in northern Anderson and Pickens County.
Golf Squad Program
Golf Squad programs provide golf education to school aged children for enrichment and character growth. The character building, social, and physical aspects of golf are focused on in each class.
Lowcountry Wildcats
Lowcountry Wildcats provides competitive middle and high school sport opportunities for home educated athletes in the Charleston, Dorchester, and Berkeley Tri-County Area. They compete against private, public, and home educated athletic teams.
PAC Panthers
Providence Athletic Club (“PAC”) is an organization that provides competitive high school level sports opportunities for home educated athletes in the Columbia area.
PAC Panthers exists to give glory to the Lord Jesus Christ in everything they do. Their purpose is to provide competitive level sports opportunities for athletes in grades 6-12, while developing both physically and spiritually in a Christian environment.