My house was VERY busy. Three children to school, a husband working swing shifts, piano lessons, 4 therapy appointments per week, a mother-in-law living in the back of the house, church 3 times a week, a side business, were just part of the bustling household. I decided the only way to…
Category: Blog
If you’re looking for good reading material for your children for this summer, I have a recommendation. Recently I was asked to read and review The Song of the Bear by Mark Tungesvik . I have read it passed it on to my 10 year old granddaughter, who is an avid reader of “real” books…
One of the greatest aspects of homeschooling is the flexibility we have in providing an education for our children. Some students are auditory learners, while others are visual, kinesthetic or a little of each. Some children need accommodations so that the ground is level at the roads of opportunity in their future. It is my…
Are your contemplating testing your homeschooled student? There are lots of good reasons to do so. I have listed several reasons on my website (see below). If your student is in High school you may want to check out the college board website to determine when and how your student should prepare for the PSAT,…
I sought the LORD, and he answered me and delivered me from all my fears… Oh, taste and see that the LORD is good! Blessed is the man who takes refuge in him! Psalm 34:4, 8 Just this evening I learned on social media about the death of a friend’s son, a friend from long…

Implementing Your Heritage As we begin preparing for my grandfather’s 95th birthday in April, I have stopped to ponder everything that has transpired in the years that he has been alive- several wars, the introduction of the internet, and countless advances in technology. Yet, how did we get here? Relatively speaking, my husband and I…

Homeschool Day at the Capitol Don’t forget Home School Day at the Capitol on April 19. Everything is FREE –even the parking! Plan now to join us for this great day of meeting your legislators. Learn more the 2016 Homeschool Day at the Capitol web page. Homeschool Tickets at Newberry Opera House The Newberry…

Occupational Education Online Course I am offering the opportunity for several students within your homeschool organization to take a new online course completely free of charge. This high school level course is called Occupational Education and was developed by a special education teacher who is also a homeschooling father. All I ask, is that in…

If your children are young and you are looking at MANY more years of home schooling, you might think these days will never end. For some of you with older children, these days are coming to an end much too quickly. If you are about to become an empty-nester, SCHEA would love to put you…

Wildcats Kid’s Challenge Night Are your kids looking for something SUPER FUN to do? Are they COMPETITIVE? Do they like to WIN PRIZES?? Well, the Lady Wildcats has the event for them! On Friday, January 22nd we are hosting the Kid’s Challenge Night fund raiser. We will have challenges for kids to do, individual challenges,…