I sought the LORD, and he answered me and delivered me from all my fears… Oh, taste and see that the LORD is good! Blessed is the man who takes refuge in him! Psalm 34:4, 8 Just this evening I learned on social media about the death of a friend’s son, a friend from long…
Category: Articles

Implementing Your Heritage As we begin preparing for my grandfather’s 95th birthday in April, I have stopped to ponder everything that has transpired in the years that he has been alive- several wars, the introduction of the internet, and countless advances in technology. Yet, how did we get here? Relatively speaking, my husband and I…

If your children are young and you are looking at MANY more years of home schooling, you might think these days will never end. For some of you with older children, these days are coming to an end much too quickly. If you are about to become an empty-nester, SCHEA would love to put you…