SCHEA is a statewide organization whose mission is to monitor legislation in order to preserve homeschool rights in South Carolina and to encourage homeschool families and the organizations that serve them.
SCHEA was formed in 1987 to support home educators in South Carolina and to perform a lead role in creating legal protection for home education in South Carolina. SCHEA, working with many other concerned individuals and organizations, was instrumental in convincing the state legislature to create the first South Carolina law requiring recognition of home schooling in 1988. Today, committed volunteer home school families from across the state continue to work through SCHEA to create opportunities, give support to the homeschool community, and promote an accurate and favorable image of home education in South Carolina.
SCHEA is not a government entity, and our membership list is strictly confidential. Your membership in SCHEA helps support homeschoolers across the state, however, your SCHEA membership does not fulfill the obligation to register with one of the three legal homeschool options. SCHEA is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization and donations are tax deductible.
- SCHEA monitors legislation on the state and federal level that could affect homeschoolers and provides alerts and updates when such legislation requires swift action on the part of homeschoolers.
- SCHEA operates an information system networked with support groups across the state communicating events and announcements.
- SCHEA sponsors the state chapter, Rho Gamma, of the Eta Sigma Alpha National Home School Honor Society to recognize academically gifted home schooled students in South Carolina.
- SCHEA offers additional educational and unity-building opportunities through regional leadership training seminars.
For over 30 years, Palmetto Family Council has worked to promote and protect homeschool values at the South Carolina Statehouse. Because of their strong commitment to defending homeschool rights, we're value their partnership.