Teacher and multi race classroom having fun during a lesson

Co-Ops & Academies Across South Carolina

Looking for a local homeschool Co-op or Academy for your children?  This statewide listing will help you find the right fit for your family.  

Already have a group in mind?  Jump right to it using the Alphabetical Listing.
Artios Academy (Greenville); Christian Home Educators of Easley; Christian Home Schoolers of Union County Co-Op; Classical Conversations (Statewide);  Eastside Co-Op (Taylors); Ignite Middle and High School Co-Op; United Christian Homeschoolers Unlimited Steam Academy; Upstate Homeschool Co-Op; Vanguard Homeschool Academy

Artios Academy in Greenville, SC


A homeschool program that has different divisions that can supplement a family’s homeschooling curriculum. The Academy offers enrichment in Art, Music, History, & Theatre-Literature for grades K-12 on Monday mornings. The Conservatory is a high school Fine Arts program where students can choose a discipline to study almost like a major in college, similar to the Fine Arts Center in Greenville, and is also on Monday mornings. The Plus Clubs allow students to study an individual area of the Fine Arts such as drama, choir, art, & choreography on Monday afternoons; students may choose to study more than one area. The Preparatory provides classes in the Academics for middle school and high school students in an “a la carte fashion” where students can take one or more courses on Wednesdays. The Greenville campus currently meets at Grace Church on Pelham Road in Greenville.

*Christian Home Educators of Easley (CHEE)

Meeting Location: 1007 Sierra Drive, Easley, SC 29642

Contact: Kristi Brooks, Administrator

Contact #: 864.295.4438

Email: chee.easley@gmail.com 

Website: http://cheeonline.squarespace.com/ 

Christian Home Schoolers of Union County Co-Op

Cherie Wilson

4074 Cross Keys Highway, Union, SC 29379

Phone: (864) 441-4725

Email: chuc1999@gmail.com 

Classical Conversations

Various locations throughout the state of South Carolina

Go to http://www.ClassicalConversations.com to find  a location near you.

Eastside Co-op, Taylors, SC

Tracy Lewis–TEC Coordinator

Email: tec200809@yahoo.com

Ignite Homeschool Middle and High School Co-Op

Jacqui Campbell
201 S 5th St, Easley, SC 29640.
Email: J2zrdbc6@yahoo.com
Phone: 864-442-6244
Email: ignitefamilyacademycoop@yahoo.com
Website: www.homeschool-life.com/sc/igniteacademy

Ignite takes the best components of a traditional class room setting and merges it with the homeschool learning environment to creating a hybrid of both worlds where you have a teacher facilitated class with parent backing. Teachers will teach, create lessons plans, create quizzes and tests, and grade all materiel. Parents will partner and back the teacher in making sure the student is achieving the learning goals and objectives that are outlined in the class syllabus. All of our teachers are either certified teachers and/or professionals in their field.
Our Mission: To glorify God by igniting academic, social, emotional, and spiritual growth of the homeschool families in our community. Proverbs 23:12
 Our Goal: To build a co-op that offers local homeschool families high quality, structured, challenging, and in-depth classes taught by professionals in their field.

The Learning Train of Bluffton

Upper School Director: Christian Lee
Email: christianlee@lowcountryhomeschool.com
Meets most Fridays from 9:30-3:00.
Classes available include but are not limited to:
Junior Toastmasters, Photography, Violin, Guitar, Spanish lessons for Elementary and Upper School, English & Literature, American Sign Language, Awana Club, Accounting & Personal Finance, Stretch & Strengthen classes.
Founded by Donna Cartwright, this is one of three homeschool cooperatives.  Donna continues to help others start co-ops.
Website: http://thehomeschoolcooperative.com/bluffton/

Upstate Homeschool Co-op

1133 Tubbs Mountain Road
Travelers Rest, SC  29690
Leader:  Suzanne Brown

Vanguard Homeschool Academy

Administrator:  Mary Beth Husman

Email:  vanguardsc@charter.net

Website:  www.vanguardhomeschoolacademy.com